This is the seventh time, over the past several years, that I've photographed the Waltham Farmers' Market, a project always fascinating to me, and always a challenge. Each time, I’ve gone with a different goal in mind—to capture the bustle of the market, or the personal interactions of buyers and sellers, or the "decisive moment." In truth, however, when I look back at those earlier efforts, only one of those goals actually improved my photography, that of the "decisive moment."
The "decisive moment" is a term famously coined by the French photographer, Henri Cartier Bresson to describe "that split second where everything—composition, action, expression, [and I would add, light]—come together to make a unique and memorable image." Of course, the ability to take such a photograph doesn’t come easily; it requires practice and perseverance. Such an ability is the mark of a great street photographer, but, alas, it is one that is all too rare.
The "decisive moment" is a term famously coined by the French photographer, Henri Cartier Bresson to describe "that split second where everything—composition, action, expression, [and I would add, light]—come together to make a unique and memorable image." Of course, the ability to take such a photograph doesn’t come easily; it requires practice and perseverance. Such an ability is the mark of a great street photographer, but, alas, it is one that is all too rare.