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As the number of Covid-19 infections has continued to drop in Massachusetts, our state governor has authorized a staged reopening of the economy. In part, it allows restaurants to reopen, but only for al fresco dining, and with proper social distancing.
In response, our Waltham mayor has blocked off part of Moody Street from vehicular traffic so its numerous restaurants can serve outdoors. Although the photos don’t show it, the restaurants did a good job of keeping tables and patrons spaced apart. As usual this time of year, there was also a gentle but steady breeze blowing, offering further protection for diners.
The demographics of Waltham are changing, with a growing number of young, college-educated professionals moving in and replacing the older, blue-collar population—a process known as "gentrification." Nowhere can this process be seen more clearly than on Moody Street, where the expensive, upscale restaurants were doing well when I visited recently, while the traditional eateries had only empty seats. The latter may not survive the pandemic. The same fate may await a variety of other shops on Moody Street that served the older population.