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I don’t know whether the little girl had an expensive hairdo, or whether the low, slanting sunlight picked out a few errant curls—or whether it was a bit of both. The old gent was alone, and seemed lonely, but later warmed to a little conversation.
The two women had just signaled it was ok for me take their picture, but they hadn’t yet had time to pose—so there was still some naturalness about the scene. In all the writing about street photography, naturalness is rarely if ever mentioned. Yet, I've come to think it may be the common, defining feature—not whether the subject is chosen at random, nor whether photographed anonymously, nor in a street or similar public space, as the experts argue, but whether the subject is portrayed naturally. In other words, I’ve come to think of a street photo as nothing but a candid photo, in today’s parlance.
The two women had just signaled it was ok for me take their picture, but they hadn’t yet had time to pose—so there was still some naturalness about the scene. In all the writing about street photography, naturalness is rarely if ever mentioned. Yet, I've come to think it may be the common, defining feature—not whether the subject is chosen at random, nor whether photographed anonymously, nor in a street or similar public space, as the experts argue, but whether the subject is portrayed naturally. In other words, I’ve come to think of a street photo as nothing but a candid photo, in today’s parlance.