Roads of Flowers
Who are we, why are we here,
Are we alive or not?
The wild bee doesn't care
The world for her below -
Only the road of flowers …
(Excerpt from a poem by Masahito Kawashima)
The project is called, "Roads of Flowers." As does the "wild bee," each of us works in his or her own hive, or country. Each perceives the problems of the world as abstract. It might be said each of us follows a "road of flowers."
There are billions of us and each has his or her own "flower path." Interwined over the planet, these paths offer a plan or destiny for each of us. Since childhood, each has been following one or more, seeking the way to personal peace and harmony.
The road of flowers can be a path that goes far into the mountains (even into the clouds), that cuts through the forest, or meanders along a stream. Photographs or paintings—even of insects, of bees—can symbolize such a path, guiding us through life.
United States of America /Ron Cohen